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Google 1 - Mark Cuban 0
Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Depending of which part of the world you are in, anyone can say anything about anything. So Cuban said that only a moron would buy YouTube. He gave strong reasons as to why he thought so, and google has called his bluff.

Is google a moron? Evidence would suggest, not. However, how moronic is the purchase of YouTube? From 1 to 10, and 10 being the most moronic, I think this is a 3.

Lets not forget that YouTube hosts quite a large number of copyrighted material. For this type of endeavours, traffic is king and we'll definitely see a drop in traffic once all the copyrighted material is taken down. And of course, Cuban is not entirely wrong when he said that lawsuits will be coming to the buyer's way, but google has a lot of money (that's covered for a while).

We'll see how it goes. As time goes by, I think we will see a decrease in the moronic-buy-o-meter to 0 (0 being not moronic at all).

12:35 AM | 1 comment(s) |


I think Google walks on charted land when you talk about copyrighted material. Consider all the stuff they already index, including printed books.

I think video and audio were the next logical steps, and YouTube fills that gap in the google way (lots of prerecorded material where their engineers can test their algorithms at big scale).
By Blogger Unknown, at 1:10 AM

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