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Java: GWT Example with RSS Feed Reader
Saturday, February 10, 2007

Source code.

What is this?
This is the first iteration of an RSS feed reader using GWT and rsslibj.

This small application is AJAX based with an RPC call (GWT style) to a Java Servlet that harvests the three RSS feeds you see on the tabs. The idea is not new. A few news sites have similar tabbed panels for quick links and breaking news. This is my version.

This week (today is Feb 10, 2007) yahoo released a tool to integrate RSS feeds. It's called pipes, and it lets users to visually mix and match RSS feeds. It's very interesting.

This little app is nothing like yahoo's pipes. But the idea is the same: harvest RSS feeds for a common end.

My thought was to create a little widget that anyone can put on their web site and give visitors a taste of the owner's reading habits.

The architecture
The GWT client talks to a Servlet, which harvests the feeds and is part of the GWT callback that populates the AJAX client.

The Code
It's a trade secret, so if you want it, email me :)

I may actually publish it as a little tutorial for GWT and RSS feed readers.

Note that I broke my first GWT Example. I have to recompile it to use the latest GWT version.

11:47 AM | 1 comment(s) |


Great article about rss feed reader. It is described type content. Thanks for sharing.

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