How the Apple logo was designed
Monday, April 16, 2007
I think it's pushing it a bit, but you can see how it evolved to the shiny, metallic futuristic logo.

Speaking of history, I found my
resume linked to some blog that had a character set my browser couldn't display.
I saw the link and I was very curious to find out what it said. So I did a bit of investigating that led me to believe the language was Chinese. I ran the page through altavista's babelfish and I got a rough translation of it.
I think the gist of the blog entry is that someone suggested to the blog's author to revise his/her resume and my page's link was sent as an "example." The entry read that it was around 7 pages long when printed and it had the following line "the thing which had some to exaggerate."
I don't speak Chinese and the translation maybe wrong, but I wish I could point out to the blog's author that my resume is long because it is meant to be a web resume with as many details as possible, but it is very objective and has no embellishments at all (if it is suggesting "exaggeration"). It is a very typical "active verb" type of resume, i.e., I say clearly what I've done and which part of every project I was responsible for.
I think any resume writing workshop will tell you the same thing: clearly state what you worked on and use an active voice.
So when I write: "Developed web tier of Investing section using the Java programming language, following in-house development standards and completing the work under a really tight schedule while working within a large team." I actually did.
Note that I use verbs like
designed, or
implemented because they clearly convey to the reader what it is I actually did.
Using jobs descriptions doesn't really say much of what your actual involvement is, so clearly stating what you actually did in a resume is actually very useful for anyone reading it.
However, I have a word of caution. The web version of my resume is not meant to be printed because it is way too long. It is more of a work history than a resume. I do have a 2 page resume that people can print for interviews, which I send on request. I would say that the 2 pager is for printing purposes and it could probably be a better example of a regular resume.
Again, a web resume != regular resume.
I use both, but I prefer the web format because it is interactive and it has more details of what I've done (a lot of details). It makes it very easy to determine if any of my experience is useful for someone looking for a software developer/engineer/consultant. Think of it as full disclosure, and it works great during interviews where a laptop is present.
A web resume also allows me to keep it up to date. I can guarantee freshness 24/7/365.
The actual blog link (original):!860D3F8A55672CFF!605.entry.
The translated version:
babelfish's translation.
Do you speak Chinese? What does it really say?